Start from where you are in the moment, with what you have,doing what you know.
We are a sum of our experiences, emotions we feel, thoughts we think, values we believe in and beliefs that move us to act in a certain direction in life.
All this emanates a frequency, with which we attract.
Every thought, emotion, belief has its frequency.
Changing your thoughts and emotions changes how you vibrate and what you attract.
We attract positive,happy, inspirational, love when we work on ourselves. We only have the power to change ourselves, others we can’t control, by working on ourselves we better our state of mind and how we feel so we vibrate differently and we start attracting different, better situations in life that bring opportunities we never dreamt of.
A journey of a Happy Life With Iman Is dedicated to creating and living a positive transition into a person you are born to be, whole and already equipped with what you need to live the best life you are born to live.It starts with stillness, observation and cultivating self love.
Evendough we keep changing all the time, Experiences that made us into who we are today have been important. We shouldnt wish to change them as we wouldn’t be who we are today without them.
It is our responsibility to leave behind what is not serving us any more;
Create the boundaries and skills we need to live a purposeful life we came here to live.
We are not here to survive but to live a meaningful life filled with happiness, abundance and love.
That is only possible if we live in the present moment, so let me ask you one thing…. Where do you spend most of your time,in the past or in the future?
How much of your time do you actually spend present, in the moment, and how much of your time are you on autopilot mode?
In the present moment is where we learn from the past and create for the future. Before doing any inner work, we can’t start until we learn how to live here and now.
Where Does A Happy Life Begin?
It begins within you, with living in here and now, taking many different steps, choices, decisions; practicing self discipline, self respect, and self love.
You are so worth it!
You are the only human being you are responsible for and you have a precious task to take care of this human in the best possible way.
So Do it! Don’t wait, begin and never stop.
Find your authentic voice, listen to it and dare to believe what it tells you. You are so much more powerful than they have told you, just believe that you are and l promise you, soon you will find the evidence for it too.
Don’t fear the darkness and shadowy spaces inside of you, they hide the pain but also limitless potential and treasures.
To be able to transform pain into gems, you need to be able to look bravely within, accept what is there, elaborate, heal, transform and then create exactly what is right for you.
No one will ever do this better than you.
Find Your True Purpose
A life lived without a clear purpose is a life lived without a clear path.
We all have our own purpose and when that purpose is clear our days are filled with meaning. When with that purpose we touch other lives, it is the most rewarding feeling ever.
Understand your true purpose and turn it into something you do daily and watch your life become true inspiration that will nurture your mind and soul.